The Beautitudes
Matthew 5:4
Matthew chapter 5, 6, and 7 are called “The Sermon on the Mount”.
Matthew 5:1-11 is in the opening part of it, called “The Beatitudes”. Beatitude comes from the Latin “beatitude” meaning “blessedness”. The beatitudes are 8 blessings as written in Matthew 5:1-11. Here, let us discuss the 2nd blessing today.
See v4.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
This verse is a paradox, which draws attention of the readers.
This verse does not mean that Christians should be melancholy and gloomy.
Also, this verse does not mean Christians should not be joyful. Instead the Bible teaches us to "Rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4). Note that the 1st miracle Jesus performed was at wedding banquet, turning water into wine. This shows characteristics of Christianity - joyful!
But Christians should mourn and have "broken hearts" by recognizing both their own sinful status and the sins of the world.
If you mourn over your sins, you are blessed because you will be forgiven, filled with Holy Spirit and be saved.
To help you to mourn, I suggest a following verse to meditate.
2 Corinthians 5:21
21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Here, 'him' is 'Jesus'. Based on God's justice, a sinner should die and receive eternal judgement after the death. For us to be forgiven (To save us), Jesus received the fury of God's wrath on the cross on behalf of us. This satisfied God's justice against our sins. As Jesus took our guilt, we who believe the good news are clothed with the righteousness of Jesus.
Jesus drank your bitter cup, and He gave you His sweet cup. Do not refuse the grace of Him who took & drank your bitter cup. Instead, take & drink His sweet cup He gives you.
Feel the love of Him, who died on the cross in your place... to save you.
And mourn over your sins that made Him suffer on the cross.
Yes, your sinfulness made Him suffer.
But His love toward you is so great, so, He took the shameful & painful cross for you.
He died for you not because you are righteous but even though you are sinful.
This is God's love and forgiveness. This is our basis of love and forgiveness toward others.
With God's love you received, you also should love and forgive others not because they are nice or perfect but even though they are unfriendly or imperfect.
Good mourning!