Birth of Moses, and Exodus

Posted by Yong Joo Park on 18 August 2019 in Exodus |

Exodus 1 – 17

Personally, I found Exodus particularly more interesting when I was reading books in the holy bible for the first time long time ago. I found myself kept reading more and more chapters in one seating even though my original plan was reading just a paragraph or a chapter.

In Genesis, the entire household of Jacob migrated to Egypt due to severe famine. Joseph, the lost son of Jacob, had become the prime minister of Egypt to their rescue. Now we know why people of Israel lived in Egypt since then.

As mentioned in Exodus 1, they multiplied greatly and new Pharaoh, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power and oppressed them. Pharaoh even gave his order to kill every newly born Hebrew boy.

In Exodus 2, Moses was born and miraculously adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. After Moses had grown up, when he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he killed the Egyptian. This was known to Pharao, and Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian. Moses married with a daughter of a priest of Midian. In the meantime, the Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out and their cry went up to God. God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So, God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.

In Exodus 3, God appeared to Moses and called him for the mission to rescue and bring the Israelites up out of Egypt into a land flowing milk and honey.

Here, it is noticed God revealed Himself and talked to Moses. God told Moses His name (I AM), and gave him the power of performing miraculous signs. God told Moses Pharaoh would not let them go unless a mighty hand would compel him. God told Moses His plan of striking the Egyptians with all the wonders that He will perform among them. God told Moses the Egyptians would give a lot of gifts to the Israelites when leaving Egypt.

We can read about 10 plagues of God in Exodus 7 ~ 12. In Exodus 14, God divided the sea, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground while the Egyptians pursued them into the sea and were drown. Exodus 15 shows God changed bitter water in Marah fit to drink. Exodus 16 shows that God supplied them breakfast (Manna) and dinner (quail) miraculously.  Exodus 17 shows that God supplied water from the rock and God let the enemy defeated supernaturally as long as Moses held up his hands.

Let us summarize other chapters later.

After we have read so many occasions of revelations, signs, and miracles of God written in Exodus, we should no longer think that God is far from us. Only own unbelief would limit God. But the relationship with God is restored for each individual if he/she believes in Jesus.

Once believed, we may pray to God, the heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus.

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