How to recover the lost paradise and eternal life
This is my first short message to share the Gospel. Ever since I became a Christian, I always had a desire for creating & sharing short Gospel messages. But I had always written medium or long Gospel messages only. I may explore this new style of messages more in future.
Obeying & Fearing God than man
Posted by Yong Joo Park on 27 November 2016 in Deception & Delusion | ∞
Genesis Chapter 3 shows the followings: The serpent deceived the woman (Genesis 3:1). The deceived woman misled the man (Genesis 3:6). God showed it was wrong that the man listened to the woman and disobeyed God (Genesis 3:17) and sentenced him to death (Genesis 3:19) The above 1 & 2 are still happening until now: […]