Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!

Posted by Yong Joo Park on 30 October 2015 in Revelation |

Revelation 18:1-24

% Following interpretation to be used as reference

% Quoted from [REFERENCE] shown in the end of this post

What Is Seen Is Temporary

It is easy for us to believe that life as we know it will go on forever. We are, of course, aware of the ebb and flow caused by war and natural calamity. By and large, civilization as a whole seems to make progress. The Renaissance gave way to the Age of Reason. The Enlightenment paved the way for the Industrial Age. The twentieth century—interrupted by two world wars—ultimately reaped great harvest in areas such as medical and communications technology. Despite problems such as crime and terrorism, world civilization appears able to march on forever.
The message of Revelation 18 is that what is seen is temporary and subject to the judgment of Almighty God. On the one hand, Babylon the Great provides power, privilege, and prestige to those willing to be seduced by her spell. Monarchs, merchants, and mariners are among those who taste her pleasures and lament her demise. On the other hand, Babylon moves forward on the misery of human slavery, moving people away from true religion into impurity. She is always hostile to the things of God; in fact, the blood of all Christian martyrs drips from her hands.
If this is true, then Christians of every age need to evaluate the call to “Come out of her, my people.” Only those who refuse to share her sins will not receive any of her plagues. Two exclamations summarize the two opposing responses to Babylon’s death. On one hand are those who cry “woe,” because they, too, have been condemned. On the other hand are those who cry “hallelujah,” (19:1) because the martyrs have been avenged at last. The choices we make now will determine whether one day we cry “woe” or “hallelujah.”


• While wealth and luxury are not inherently evil, they often come at too high a price: human slavery and hostility to God’s ways.
• Boasting and arrogance are sure indicators of a coming downfall.
• World rulers tend to be more concerned about luxury and power than about helping their subjects.
• Both the merchandising and transportation industries illustrate the ease with which people may be led astray into false security.
• When God finally judges sinful human civilization, the condemnation will be total and eternal.


• Determine the ways in which you must “come out of” any close alliance with culture and civilization.
• Recognize that Christians who are political and business leaders must especially beware of the seductions of Dame Civilization.
• Enjoy the fine things of life only if you are sure they do not come to you through immoral or unjust means.
• Be willing to pay the price of martyrdom if “Babylon” requires it of you.
• Rejoice that God will someday judge “Babylon” for all her crimes

Easley, K. H. (1998). Revelation (Vol. 12, pp. 337–338). Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.


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