God will humble (or exalt) you at the final judgment

Posted by Yong Joo Park on 18 December 2016 in Luke |

Luke 14:7 – 11

Let us start the interesting bible study today!

The Bible is the best seller that gives us wisdom & inspiration to answer our various issues in life.

In Luke 14:7 – 11, Jesus teaches us to be a humble invitee.

First, Jesus asks us “do not take the place of honour” (8a).

He gives the reason being possible presence of ‘more distinguished guest’ (8b).  He gives a caution for “being humiliated”, otherwise (9).

Second, Jesus asks us “take the lowest place” (10a), so that the host will come to say “Friend, move up to a better place” and this will result in being honoured before everyone (10b).

I think this is how the heaven is like where everyone humbles himself/herself and competes for the lowest position, and the host honours each of them. Therefore, the community of true believers will reflect the heaven. And the true believers will bring the heaven to the world.

If everyone exalts himself/herself and fights for the highest position, it would be the hell.

Lastly, Jesus declares the ironical truth,

“For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (11)


Let us take this as our universal principle of all time: the humbling themselves will be exalted and the exalting themselves will be humbled.

[1] interprets these divine passives to be “God will humble (or exalt) you at the final judgment”.

Lord, we thank you for teaching us the truth. Your Word is the truth. We fear you before the truth. We repent our sins of all prides. Please help us humble as citizens of the heaven would be.



[1] Stein, R. H. (1992). Luke (Vol. 24, p. 390). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.


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