God’s Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path

Posted by Yong Joo Park on 27 July 2014 in Psalms |

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

I became a born-again Christian through the faith of my relative sister when I was 18-year old.  She told me that Psalm 119 was her favourite chapter in the Holy Bible. I call her my spiritual mother.

My spiritual mother was a Sunday school teacher to take care of children in a small local church. I didn’t have anyone among family members and relatives who guided me biblically for the 1st 18 years of my life. This means that I was in spiritual darkness for a long time. So, I understand how important to have a spiritual parent in childhood and young adulthood. After being born again, I continued to study the Holy Bible for many years.

While driving from Parramatta toward the Blue Mountains via Great Western Highway for half-an-hour at night, there are some parts of the highway with no street light. So, it is impossible to drive without headlight in those parts of the highway. In those places, I find myself in total darkness and realize how important a lamp for my wheel and a light on my path are. Sometimes, I have to turn on high beam to see as far as possible.

Without God’s Word, we are in spiritual darkness. In darkness, how important a lamp for our feet and a light on our path are!

The Holy Bible is written Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). I can’t imagine living without God’s Word. There is no exception for this importance in student life in universities. Without God’s Word, students are in spiritual darkness as a matter of fact. Even for Christians who have studied the whole Holy Bible, regular bible reading is important to remind themselves of what are written in the Holy Bible. Regular bible study will help you to have a lamp for the feet, a light on the path.

One of easy-to-read books in the Holy Bible, I think, for young people is Proverbs (http://www.biblica.com/en-us/bible/online-bible/niv/proverbs/1/).

The Holy Bible can be downloaded to your smartphone. I find “The Bible” application is good and it can be downloaded by searching “YouVersion” in Google Play.

I pray our weekly post in our website, daily text message to your mobile, meetings and events may help your spiritual growth and Psalm 119:105 may become your confession.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”


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