Take Up The Shield Of Faith (Ephesians 6:16)

Posted by Yong Joo Park on 16 December 2024 in Ephesians |

"The Armour of God" Virtual Reality Game was published on VivePort.com several years ago.

However, a part of our VR game shown in the video above was accidentally lost. I would like to restore this missing feature, which means I need to rewrite the code for it.

Additionally, I need to check if The Armour of God VR game is still functioning properly on VivePort.com. If there are any issues, I will need to resolve them as well.

With Christmas approaching, I also need to prepare the Christmas message.

Unfortunately, I was too busy with VR tasks today and couldn't post the weekly message.

In the video, however, the narrator says:

"Take up the shield of faith!" (Ephesians 6:16a NIV)
"Extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:16b NIV)

These words are my message for today 😊.

I wanted to share my situation with you.

Have a wonderful week. See you soon!

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